Friday, February 11, 2011

Oosa Oosa...

I had my second fitting today, which went a lot smoother than my first fitting. I didn't have to pay anything! Yay! Carol and Melissa's dresses are done, and I hope they're done right this time. *crosses fingers*

Daniel, Deanna, and I went to Rainbow Gardens last Monday and did some practice pictures. Daniel is excited and not worried about the pictures. I have a lot of confidence in him, and I'm so happy he agreed to do pictures for me. :)

Deanna and Ashley are learning from my experience with planning this wedding. I get to be the guinea pig and make all the mistakes so they don't have to. I pass along advice to them whenever I can. For example, I told Deanna the other day: "Don't plan your wedding!!! ELOPE, I tell you! Plan a party LATER." That was one of my more stressful days.

"Reading for school isn't as fun as reading because I want to." -Lisa. She's 100% right. Granted, the one I'm listening to in my car (because I don't have time to read 3 novels in one week) is getting pretty good. I love that my ENG490 professor assigned a young adult novel. It's good so far. "Snow Country", for ENG481, It's not that interesting. Japanese novels are so slooooooow. I'll stick to my modern american novels, thank you. (I added Modern because Hemingway is American (or western in comparison to japanese) and "The Sun Also Rises" was redic...and I didn't even read all of it!!!) I can't wait for my education class to be over. This professor is so unclear and never tells us what she expects from us and our assignments...I'm not excited about doing 20 hours of observations this semester. I have no idea when I will have time for that. I have many longs days ahead of me.

Anyways, I have some stuff to get done before this ridiculous class tonight. Toodles.